The AGNC Dividend Calculator helps you estimate potential dividend payouts from your investment in AGNC Investment Corp. (AGNC). This real estate investment trust (REIT) focuses on mortgage-backed securities, offering high dividend yields to its investors.

By entering your investment amount and the current dividend yield, this tool provides a detailed breakdown of your potential daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly income. It’s ideal for those seeking passive income through high-dividend REITs.

AGNC Dividend Calculator

AGNC Dividend Calculator

Dividend Payout

Daily: $

Monthly: $

Quarterly: $

Yearly: $

*Taxes on capital income are considered only when "with taxes" is selected.

Note: AGNC Dividend Yield

To ensure the best results, locate the dividend yield for AGNC in the market data below, under ‘DIV YIELD,’ and input the value into the calculator.

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