Our Dividend Yield Calculator allows you to quickly and easily calculate the dividend yield of your investments. By simply entering the current stock price and the annual dividend amount, you can instantly see the dividend yield as a percentage.

This provides you with a clear snapshot of the profitability of your investment, helping you assess its potential returns.

Dividend Yield Calculator

Dividend Yield Calculator
Enter the current price of the stock in USD.
Enter the amount paid as an annual dividend in USD.

Explanation of Input Fields:

  1. Stock Price (€): Enter the current price of the stock in euros.
  2. Annual Dividend (€): Enter the amount paid out as an annual dividend.

Dividend Yield Calculation

The dividend yield is calculated as follows:

\(\text{Dividend Yield} = \left( \frac{\text{Annual Dividend}}{\text{Stock Price}} \right) \times 100 \)

This calculator helps you determine the profitability of a stock based on its dividend payments.

Practical Example: Calculating the Dividend Yield of Allianz

This example shows how to easily calculate the dividend yield of a stock. It helps you assess the earnings potential of your investment based on dividend payouts.


  • Current Allianz Stock Price: €265.40
  • Annual Dividend: €13.80


  1. Formula: \(\text{Dividend Yield} = \left( \frac{\text{Annual Dividend}}{\text{Stock Price}} \right) \times 100\)
  2. Inserting Values and Calculating: \(\text{Dividend Yield} = \left( \frac{13{,}80\, \text{€}}{265{,}40\, \text{€}} \right) \times 100 \)
  3. Result: Dividend Yield = 5.20%

Explanation of the Result:

In this example, the dividend yield for Allianz stock is approximately 5.20%. This means that based on current dividend payments, the stock offers an annual yield of 5.20% in relation to its current price. This metric highlights the stock’s attractiveness in terms of its dividend returns.


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