Our easy TSP calculator helps you estimate the future value of your retirement savings. Simply enter your current balance, expected rate of return, years until retirement, and annual contributions.
With just one click, you can see how much your TSP account could be worth by the time you retire!
TSP Retirement Calculator
Example of How the TSP Calculation Works
Let’s say you have a current TSP account balance of $80,000, expect an annual return of 7%, plan to retire in 10 years, and contribute $2,500 each year. To calculate the future value of your TSP, we use the following formula:
- \(P\) is the current balance ($80,000),
- \(r\) is the annual return (7% or 0.07),
- \(t\) is the number of years until retirement (10),
- \(C\) is the annual contribution ($2,500).
First, we calculate the growth of the initial balance:
\( 80,000 \times (1 + 0.07)^{10} = 80,000 \times 1.967151 = 157,372.08 \)Then, we calculate the growth of the annual contributions:
\( \frac{2,500 \times \left((1 + 0.07)^{10} – 1\right)}{0.07} = \frac{2,500 \times 0.967151}{0.07} = 34,541.15 \)Finally, by adding both parts, we get the total future value:
\( FV = 157,372.08 + 34,541.15 = 191,913.23 \)This means your TSP account could grow to approximately $191,913.23 by the time you retire.
How Accurate Are TSP Calculator Results?
The results provided by the TSP calculator are an approximation and should be used as a general guideline rather than an exact prediction.
While the calculator considers basic inputs like current balance, expected return, and contributions, many other factors can influence your final retirement savings.
These factors include inflation, changes in contribution limits, fluctuations in investment returns, and possible tax implications. For a more precise calculation, it’s important to account for these variables and consult with a financial advisor.
About Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a retirement savings and investment plan specifically designed for federal employees and members of the uniformed services, including the military.
Similar to a 401(k) plan offered in the private sector, the TSP allows participants to contribute a portion of their income into a tax-advantaged account.
Employees can choose from several investment funds that range from conservative to high-risk options. The goal of the TSP is to help individuals save for retirement by offering both tax-deferred and Roth options, as well as the opportunity for matching contributions from the employer.
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