Our Unit Price Calculator helps you determine the price per unit of items, weight, or volume. Whether you’re comparing costs for groceries, bulk items, or materials, this tool allows you to quickly calculate the best deal. Simply select the unit type, enter your values, and find the price per unit in no time!

Unit Price Calculator

Unit Price Calculator

How to Use the Unit Price Calculator Effectively

To get the most accurate results from the Unit Price Calculator, start by selecting the correct unit type (unit, weight, or volume). Then, enter the total number of items or the total weight/volume along with the total cost.

Finally, make sure to choose the appropriate unit of measurement if you’re calculating by weight or volume. This will give you the exact cost per unit, helping you compare prices easily.

Overview on Weight Units

Weight units are used globally in various industries and fields, from cooking to large-scale shipping. Each unit has its specific applications depending on the country or industry. Below is a list of common weight units and their typical uses.

Unit Symbol Used In
Micrograms μg Used in scientific and medical fields worldwide for precise measurements.
Milligrams mg Commonly used in pharmaceuticals and nutrition labels globally.
Grams g Used globally for general weight measurement, especially in cooking and small items.
Kilograms kg Standard unit of mass in most countries worldwide (metric system).
Metric Tons t Used in industries and shipping worldwide, particularly in metric countries.
Grains gr Historically used for weighing precious metals and in firearms ammunition, still in use in the US and UK.
Drachms dr Old unit used in apothecaries, rarely used today, but still in some niche medical fields.
Ounces oz Used in the US and UK for general weight measurement, particularly in cooking.
Pounds lb Commonly used in the US and UK for body weight, groceries, and general goods.
Stones st Used primarily in the UK and Ireland for measuring body weight.
US Short Tons US ton Used in the US for large-scale industries and shipping.
Imperial Tons long ton Used in the UK for large quantities in industries and shipping.
Troy Ounces oz t Specialized unit used globally in the precious metals industry (gold, silver, etc.).

Overview on Volume Units

Volume units are essential in industries ranging from culinary to construction, helping to measure liquids and solids in various quantities. The table below outlines some of the most common volume units and their regional or industrial applications.

Unit Symbol Used In
Cubic Meters Used globally in construction, shipping, and large-scale industrial applications.
Cubic Feet cu ft Commonly used in the US for measuring storage space, appliances, and materials.
Cubic Yards cu yd Used in the US and UK for measuring large quantities of materials in construction.
Milliliters ml Used globally in cooking, medicine, and for small liquid measurements.
Liters l Standard volume unit in most countries worldwide (metric system), used for beverages, fuel, etc.
Gallons (US) US gal Used in the US for measuring fuel, beverages, and large liquid quantities.
Gallons (UK) UK gal Used in the UK for fuel and beverages, but less common due to metrication.
Fluid Ounces (US) US fl oz Commonly used in the US for small liquid measurements in beverages and cooking.
Fluid Ounces (UK) UK fl oz Used in the UK, but less common today due to metrication.
US Customary Cups cups Used in the US for measuring ingredients in cooking and baking.
Quarts (US) US qt Commonly used in the US for measuring beverages, dairy, and fuel.
Quarts (UK) UK qt Less commonly used in the UK today due to metrication.
Pints (US) US pt Used in the US for beverages (e.g., beer, milk) and in cooking.
Pints (UK) UK pt Commonly used in the UK for beer, milk, and other beverages.


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