Our Average Share Price Calculator helps you easily and accurately calculate the average price of your stock purchases. Simply input the various purchase prices and the corresponding number of shares to determine the average stock price.

Average Share Price Calculator

Average Share Price Calculator

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This tool is especially useful if you’ve purchased multiple tranches of a stock at different prices and want to know the average price. With our calculator, you can make informed decisions for your future investments and optimize your portfolio strategy.

How to Calculate the Average Stock Price?

The average stock purchase price is an important metric that helps you understand the average cost of your stock purchases. This calculation is particularly valuable if you’ve bought the same stock at different times and prices. Here’s how to calculate the average purchase price:

  1. Identify Purchase Prices and Quantities: Record each purchase price and the number of shares bought for every transaction. You’ll need this information for the calculation.
  2. Calculate the Total Cost of Each Tranche: Multiply the purchase price by the number of shares for each transaction to get the total cost of each tranche. \(\text{Total Cost} = \text{Purchase Price} \times \text{Number of Shares}\)
  3. Add Up the Total Costs: Sum up the total costs of all tranches to find the total investment cost. \(\text{Total Investment Cost} = \sum (\text{Purchase Price} \times \text{Number of Shares})\)
  4. Calculate the Total Number of Shares: Add the number of shares from all tranches. \(\text{Total Number of Shares} = \sum \text{Number of Shares}\)
  5. Calculate the Average Purchase Price: Divide the total investment cost by the total number of shares. This gives you the average purchase price. \(\text{Average Purchase Price} = \frac{\text{Total Investment Cost}}{\text{Total Number of Shares}}\)


  • Purchase 1: 50 shares at $100 per share
  • Purchase 2: 30 shares at $120 per share
  • Purchase 3: 20 shares at $110 per share

Total Cost:

\(50 \times 100 + 30 \times 120 + 20 \times 110 = 5000 + 3600 + 2200 = 10800 \text{USD}\)

Total Number of Shares:

\(50 + 30 + 20 = 100  \text{Shares}\)

Average Purchase Price:

\(\frac{10800 \text{USD}}{100  \text{Shares}} = 108  \text{USD}\)

In this example, the average purchase price is $108. Our calculator performs this calculation for you, allowing you to quickly and easily determine the average price of your investments.


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