Our P/E Ratio Calculator helps you quickly and easily calculate the price-to-earnings ratio. Simply input the current stock price and the earnings per share (EPS), and you will instantly receive the P/E ratio. This tool is perfect for investors looking to assess the value of their investments.

P/E Ratio Calculator

P/E Ratio Calculator

Enter the current stock price in US dollars.
Enter the company's earnings per share in US dollars (annually).

P/E Ratio Calculation: Formula and Example

To calculate the P/E ratio, you need the current stock price and the earnings per share. The price-to-earnings ratio is calculated by dividing the current stock price by the earnings per share.

The formula is as follows:

\(\text{P/E Ratio} = \frac{\text{Stock Price}}{\text{Earnings per Share}}\)


If a company’s stock price is $100 and its earnings per share is $4, the resulting P/E ratio is 25. A lower P/E ratio might indicate an undervalued stock, while a higher P/E ratio could suggest an overvalued stock. However, it is important to consider the P/E ratio in the context of the industry and the overall market.

\(\text{P/E Ratio} = \frac{100\, \text{\$}}{4\, \text{\$}} = 25\)

Definition of the Price-to-Earnings Ratio

The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is a financial metric that compares a company’s current stock price to its earnings per share (EPS). It serves as an indicator for investors to evaluate a stock’s valuation.

A low P/E ratio may indicate that a stock is undervalued, while a high P/E ratio could suggest that a stock is overvalued. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the current stock price by the earnings per share.

The formula is:

\(\text{P/E Ratio} = \frac{\text{Stock Price}}{\text{Earnings per Share}}\)

The P/E ratio should always be viewed in the context of the industry and the overall market, as different industries may have varying average P/E ratios.

P/E Ratio Categories for Evaluation

The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is a crucial indicator for evaluating stocks. The following table provides an overview of different P/E ratio categories and their interpretations.

P/E Ratio Category Assessment
P/E below 10 Very low: Could indicate an undervalued stock or a company facing challenges. Further analysis is required.
P/E 10 to 15 Low: May represent a good buying opportunity, especially if the company has stable earnings.
P/E 16 to 20 Moderate: Typically reflects the market average and is considered fairly valued.
P/E 21 to 25 High: Could indicate an overvalued stock, particularly if earnings growth is not strong. Caution is advised.
P/E over 25 Very high: Often a sign of speculative activity or extremely high earnings expectations. Exercise great caution.



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